Grants Creek Nursery, Inc.

Grant's Creek Nursery, Inc. is a grower of containerized materials from 1gal to 65gal. We have a 35 acre nursery in Eastern, NC.

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763 Grants Creek Road
Jacksonville, NC 28546

Hours: 8-5 Monday-Friday
Accepted Payment Types: Visa, Amex, Mastercard, Discover, Cash, Check

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Scientific Name, Common Name
Abelia hyb. '00-bc-47-7r', Apple Perfection™ Abelia
3G / 10"
Abelia x grandiflora 'Rose Creek', Glossy Abelia
3G / 10"
Acer buergerianum, Trident Maple
25G / 21"
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum', Japanese Maple 'Red Leaf'
3G / 10"
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum', Japanese Maple 'Red Leaf'
7G / 14"
Acer palmatum 'Green', Japanese maple
3G / 10"
Acer rubrum 'Franksred', Red Sunset® Maple
15G / 17"
Acer rubrum 'Franksred', Red Sunset® Maple
25G / 21"
Acer rubrum 'October Glory', Red Maple 'PNI 0268'
25G / 21"
Acer x freemanii 'Jeffersred', Freeman Red Maple 'Autumn Blaze'
25G / 21"
Agapanthus 'Improved Peter Pan', Dwarf Blue Lily of the Nile
1G / 6"
Agapanthus africanus 'Northern Star', Lily of the Nile, African Lily
1G / 6"
Agave americana, Century Plant, Yellow Agave, Agave Amarillo
3G / 10"
Agave victoriae-reginae 'Porcupine', Queen Victoria Agave
1G / 6"
Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty', Carpet Bugleweed
1G / 6"
Allium 'Millennium', Ornamental Onion
1G / 6"
Alocasia 'Borneo King', Elephant Ear
3G / 10"
Amelanchier canadensis, Shadblow Serviceberry
25G / 21"
Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM165', Low Scape Mound® Chokeberry
3G / 10"
Asimina triloba, Pawpaw
3G / 10"
Aucuba japonica 'Variegata', Japanese Aucuba - Variegated, Gold Dust Plant, Aucuba japonica 'Gold Dust'
3G / 10"
Betula nigra 'BNMTF', Riverbirch 'Dura Heat'
15G / 17"
Betula nigra 'BNMTF', Riverbirch 'Dura Heat'
25G / 21"
Buddleia hyb. 'Boscranz', CranRazz™ Butterfly Bush
3G / 10",
Buddleia weyeriana 'Honeycomb', Butterfly Bush
3G / 10"
Butia capitata, Cocos australis, Pindo Palm, Jelly Palm
7G / 14"
Butia capitata, Cocos australis, Pindo Palm, Jelly Palm
15G / 17"
Butia capitata, Cocos australis, Pindo Palm, Jelly Palm
25G / 21"
Buxus microphylla 'Winter Gem', Littleleaf Boxwood
3G / 10"
Buxus microphylla 'Wintergreen', Littleleaf Boxwood
3G / 10"
Buxus microphylla japonica, Japanese Boxwood
3G / 10"
Callicarpa dichotoma 'Early Amethyst', Purple Beautyberry
3G / 10"
Calycanthus 'Aphrodite', 'Aphrodite' Sweetshrub
7G / 14",
Proven Winner
Camellia japonica 'Greensboro Red', Japanese Camellia
3G / 10"
Camellia sasanqua 'Setsugekka', Autumn Camellia
3G / 10"
Carex oshimensis 'Evergold', Oshima kan suge, Japanese Sedge, Carex hachijoensis
1G / 6"
Carya illinoinensis 'Cape Fear', Pecan
3G / 10"
Carya illinoinensis 'Elliott', Northern Pecan
3G / 10"
Carya illinoinensis 'Pawnee', Northern Pecan
3G / 10"
Carya illinoinensis 'Stuart', Northern Pecan
3G / 10"
Cercis canadensis 'NC2015-12', Golden Falls® Cercis
15G / 17"
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Golden Mop', Japanese False Cypress
3G / 10"
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Vintage Gold', Sawara False Cypress
3G / 10"
Chamaerops humilis, European Fan Palm, Mediterranean Fan Palm
7G / 14"
Chasmanthium latifolium, Inland Sea Oats, River Oats
1G / 6"
Chasmanthium latifolium, Inland Sea Oats, River Oats
1G / 6"
Colocasia 'Sangria', Taro, Elephant Ear
3G / 10",
Coreopsis auriculata 'Nana', Dwarf Mouse-ear Tickseed
1G / 6"
Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb', Thread leaf tickseed
1G / 6"
Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb', Thread leaf tickseed
1G / 6"
Cornus florida 'White', Flowering Dogwood
3G / 10"
Cornus kousa, Kousa Dogwood
3G / 10",
Cortaderia selloana 'Blue bayou', Pampas Grass - Dwarf Blue
3G / 10"
Cortaderia selloana 'Rosea', Pampas Grass
1G / 6"
Cortaderia selloana 'White', Pampas Grass
3G / 10"
Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple', Smoketree, Smokebush
3G / 10"
Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple', Smoketree, Smokebush
15G / 17"
Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple', Smoketree, Smokebush
25G / 21"
Crataegus opaca, Mayhaw
3G / 10"
Cryptomeria japonica 'Globosa Nana', Japanese Cedar
3G / 10"
Cupressocyparis leylandii, Leyland Cypress, Hesperotropsis leylandii, Callitropsis x leylandii
1G / 6"
Cupressocyparis leylandii, Leyland Cypress, Hesperotropsis leylandii, Callitropsis x leylandii
3G / 10"
Cupressocyparis leylandii, Leyland Cypress, Hesperotropsis leylandii, Callitropsis x leylandii
25G / 21"
Cupressus arizonica glabra 'Carolina Sapphire', Arizona Blue Cypress, Smooth Bark Arizona Cypress, Callitropsis glabra
25G / 21"
Cycas revoluta, King Sago Palm, Cycad
7G / 14"
Diospyros kaki 'Fuyu', Japanese Persimmon
3G / 10"
Diospyros kaki 'Jiro', Japanese Persimmon
3G / 10"
Diospyros virginiana, Persimmon
3G / 10"
Dryopteris erythrosora, Autumn Fern, Japanese wood fern
1G / 6"
Echinacea 'Kismet Red', Coneflower
1G / 6"
Echinacea purpurea 'Butterfly Orange Skipper', Eastern Purple Coneflower, Eastern Coneflower
1G / 6"
Echinacea purpurea 'Cheyenne Spirit', Coneflower
1G / 6"
Elaeagnus pungens 'Compacta', Silverthorn
3G / 10",
Eriobotrya, loquat
15G / 17"
Eryngium planum 'Blue Glitter', Sea Holly 'Blue Glitter'
1G / 6"
Euonymus fortunei 'Roemertwo', Gold Splash® Wintercreeper
3G / 10",
Proven Winner
Farfugium japonicum 'Shishi Botan', Parsley Leopard, Ligularia Japonicum, Ligularia tussilaginea
1G / 6"
Fatsia japonica, Paperplant, Aralia sieboldii
3G / 10"
Fatsia japonica, Paperplant, Aralia sieboldii
7G / 14"
Fatsia japonica 'Spider's Web', Paperplant, Aralia sieboldii
3G / 10"
Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey', Fig Tree (Edible)
3G / 10"
Ficus carica 'Celeste', Fig Tree (Edible)
3G / 10"
Ficus carica 'Texas Everbearing', Fig Tree (Edible)
3G / 10"
Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood', Border Forsythia, Golden Bells
3G / 10"
Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood', Border Forsythia, Golden Bells
10G / 17"
Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Green Ash
3G / 10",
B Grade Sale $10
Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Green Ash
25G / 21"
Gaillardia 'Spintop Yellow Touch', Gaillardia, Indian Blanket, Blanket Flower
1G / 6"
Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty', Cape Jasmine, Gandharaj, Gardenia Augusta
3G / 10"
Gardenia jasminoides 'Frostproof', Cape Jasmine, Gandharaj, Gardenia Augusta
3G / 10"
Gardenia jasminoides 'Kleim's Hardy', Cape Jasmine, Gandharaj, Gardenia Augusta
1G / 6"
Gardenia jasminoides 'Kleim's Hardy', Cape Jasmine, Gandharaj, Gardenia Augusta
3G / 10"
Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans', Cape Jasmine, Gandharaj, Gardenia Augusta
3G / 10",
Ginkgo biloba, Maidenhair Tree, Ginkgo Tree
15G / 17"
Ginkgo biloba, Maidenhair Tree, Ginkgo Tree
25G / 21"
Ginkgo biloba, Maidenhair Tree, Ginkgo Tree
65G / 32"
Ginkgo biloba 'Troll', Maidenhair Tree - Dwarf, Ginkgo Tree
3G / 10"
Hemerocallis 'Ming Toy', Daylily
1G / 6"
Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro', Daylily, Stella Daylily
1G / 6"
Heuchera 'Amber Lady', Alumroot, Coral Bells
1G / 6"
Heuchera 'Caramel', Alumroot, Coral Bells
2G / 8"
Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple', Alum Root, Coralbells
2G / 8"
Heuchera villosa 'Citronelle', Coralbells, Hairy alumroot
1G / 6"
Heucherella 'Sweet Tea', Foamy Bells
1G / 6"
Hosta 'Blue Hawaii'
1G / 6"
Hosta 'Fire and Ice', Plantain Lily
1G / 6"
Hosta 'First Frost', Plantain Lily
1G / 6"
Hosta 'Francee', Plantain Lily
1G / 6"
Hosta 'Great Expectations', Plantain Lily
1G / 6"
Hosta 'Patriot', Plantain Lily
1G / 6"
Hosta 'Rainforest Sunrise'
1G / 6"
Hosta 'Royal Standard', Plantain Lily
1G / 6"
Hosta 'Stained Glass', Plantain Lily
1G / 6"
Hosta 'Sum and Substance'
1G / 6"
Hosta 'Sun Power', Plantain Lily
1G / 6"
Hosta fortunei 'Hyacinthina', Plantain Lily
1G / 6"
Hosta undulata 'Medio Variegata', Wavy Hosta
1G / 6"
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Hydrsrpdow', Double Down® Hydrangea
3G / 10"
Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight', 'Limelight' Hardy Hydrangea
10G / 17",
Hydrangea quercifolia, Oakleaf Hydrangea
3G / 10"
Ilex 'Emily Bruner', Holly
3G / 10"
Ilex 'Emily Bruner', Holly
10G / 17"
Ilex 'Emily Bruner', Holly
25G / 21"
Ilex 'Mary Nell', Holly
3G / 10"
Ilex 'Mary Nell', Holly
10G / 17"
Ilex 'Mary Nell', Holly
25G / 21"
Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens', Holly
3G / 10"
Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens', Holly
7G / 14"
Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens', Holly
25G / 21"
Ilex 'Wirt L. Winn', Holly
15G / 17"
Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii Nana', Chinese holly, Dwarf Burford Holly
3G / 10"
Ilex cornuta 'Carissa', Chinese holly, Horned Holly
3G / 10"
Ilex cornuta 'Carissa', Chinese holly, Horned Holly
7G / 14"
Ilex cornuta 'Needlepoint', Chinese holly, Horned Holly
3G / 10"
Ilex cornuta 'Needlepoint', Chinese holly, Horned Holly
15G / 17"
Ilex crenata 'Compacta' , Japanese Holly
3G / 10"
Ilex crenata 'Helleri', Japanese Holly
3G / 10"
Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil', Japanese Holly
3G / 10"
Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch', Japanese Holly
3G / 10"
Ilex crenata 'Steeds', Japanese Holly
3G / 10"
Ilex glabra 'Shamrock', Inkberry, Gallberry
3G / 10"
Ilex hybrid 'Conaf', Oak Leaf™ Holly, Oakleaf Red Holly
15G / 17"
Ilex hybrid 'Conin', Robin™ Holly
15G / 17"
Ilex vomitoria, Yaupon Holly
3G / 10"
Ilex vomitoria, Yaupon Holly
7G / 14"
Ilex x attenuata 'Fosteri', Holly 'Fosters'
10G / 17"
Ilex x attenuata 'Savannah', Holly
1G / 6"
Ilex x attenuata 'Savannah', Holly
15G / 17"
Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet', Virginia sweetspire
3G / 10"
Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific', Shore Juniper
1G / 6"
Juniperus conferta 'Blue Pacific', Shore Juniper
3G / 10"
Juniperus horizontalis, Creeping Andorra Juniper
3G / 10"
Juniperus horizontalis 'Lime Glow', Creeping Juniper 'Golden Andorra'
3G / 10"
Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii', Creeping Juniper 'Blue Rug'
1G / 6"
Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii', Creeping Juniper 'Blue Rug'
3G / 10"
Juniperus scopulorum 'Moonglow', Rocky Mountain Juniper
1G / 6"
Lagerstroemia 'Bellini Raspberry', Crape Myrtle
3G / 10"
Lagerstroemia 'JM4', Crapemyrtle 'Thunderstruck White Lightning'
3G / 10"
Lagerstroemia 'JM7', Crapemyrtle 'Thunderstruck Ruby'
3G / 10"
Lagerstroemia 'JM8', Crapemyrtle 'Thunderstruck Lavender Skies'
3G / 10"
Lagerstroemia 'Pocomoke', Crape Myrtle
3G / 10",
Lagerstroemia fauriei 'Muskogee', Japanese Crape Myrtle
15G / 17"
Lagerstroemia fauriei 'Muskogee', Japanese Crape Myrtle
25G / 21"
Lagerstroemia fauriei 'Natchez', Japanese Crape Myrtle
15G / 17"
Lagerstroemia indica 'Bellaggua', Bellini® Guava Crapemyrtle
3G / 10"
Lagerstroemia indica 'Catawba', Crape Myrtle
3G / 10"
Lagerstroemia indica 'Sioux', Crape Myrtle
15G / 17"
Lagerstroemia indica 'Strawconbel', Bellini® Strawberry Crapemyrtle
3G / 10"
Lagerstroemia indica 'Tonto', Crape Myrtle
3G / 10"
Lagerstroemia indica 'Tonto', Crape Myrtle
25G / 21"
Lagerstroemia indica 'Tuscarora', Crape Myrtle
3G / 10"
Lagerstroemia indica 'Tuscarora', Crape Myrtle
15G / 17"
Lagerstroemia indica 'Whit II', Crape Myrtle 'Dynamite'
3G / 10"
Ligustrum japonicum 'East Bay', Japanese Privet - Weeping, Wax Leaf Ligustrum
3G / 10"
Ligustrum japonicum 'Howardi', Japanese Privet, Wax Leaf Ligustrum
1G / 6"
Ligustrum japonicum 'Howardi', Japanese Privet, Wax Leaf Ligustrum
3G / 10"
Ligustrum japonicum 'Jack Frost', Japanese Privet, Wax Leaf Ligustrum
1G / 6"
Ligustrum japonicum 'Jack Frost', Japanese Privet, Wax Leaf Ligustrum
3G / 10"
Ligustrum japonicum 'Recurvifolium', Japanese Privet 'Recurvea', Wax Leaf Ligustrum, Wavy Leaf Ligustrum
1G / 6"
Ligustrum japonicum 'Recurvifolium', Japanese Privet 'Recurvea', Wax Leaf Ligustrum, Wavy Leaf Ligustrum
3G / 10"
Ligustrum japonicum 'Rotundifolium', Japanese Privet 'Coriaceum', Wax Leaf Ligustrum, Curlyleaf Privet
3G / 10",
Liquidambar styraciflua 'Slender Silhouette', American Sweetgum
15G / 17"
Liriope muscari 'Big Blue', Lilyturf
1G / 6"
Liriope muscari 'Emerald Goddess', Lilyturf
1G / 6"
Liriope Muscari 'Super Blue', Lilyturf
1G / 6"
Liriope muscari 'Variegata', Lilyturf
1G / 6"
Loropetalum chinense 'Kurobijin', Cerise Charm Loropetalum
3G / 10"
Magnolia 'Ann', Deciduous Magnolia
10G / 17"
Magnolia grandiflora 'Bracken's Brown Beauty', Southern Magnolia
25G / 21"
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem', Southern Magnolia 'Little Gem'®, Southern Magnolia
25G / 21"
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem', Southern Magnolia 'Little Gem'®, Southern Magnolia
65G / 32"
Magnolia grandiflora 'Victoria', Southern Magnolia
25G / 21"
Magnolia virginiana, Sweetbay Magnolia
15G / 17"
Magnolia virginiana, Sweetbay Magnolia
25G / 21"
Malus 'Granny Smith Dwarf', Crab Apple
3G / 10"
Malus 'Mutsu Dwarf', Crab Apple
3G / 10"
Malus 'Mutsu', Crab Apple
3G / 10"
Malus 'Prairiefire', Crab Apple
15G / 17"
Malus 'Stayman', Crab Apple
3G / 10"
Malus 'Sugar Tyme', Crab Apple
15G / 17"
Malus x domestica 'Dorsett Golden', Apple
3G / 10"
Malus x domestica 'Fuji', Apple
3G / 10",
Malus x domestica 'Gala', Apple
3G / 10"
Malus x domestica 'Granny Smith', Apple
3G / 10"
Malus x domestica 'Winesap', Apple
3G / 10"
Malus x domestica 'Yellow Delicious', Apple
3G / 10"
1G / 6",
Mix Varieties
Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Zebra', Eulalia Grass, Chinese Silvergrass, Maiden Grass
3G / 10"
Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light', Eulalia Grass, Chinese Silvergrass, Maiden Grass
3G / 10"
Monarda 'Bee-You Bee-Free', Bergamot, Bee Balm
1G / 6",
Monarda 'Bee-You Bee-True', Bergamot, Bee Balm
1G / 6",
Monarda 'Electric Neon Pink', beebalm
1G / 6",
Muhlenbergia capillaris, Gulf Coast Muhly Grass, Hair-awn muhly, Pink Muhly Grass
1G / 6"
Myrica cerifera, Southern Wax Myrtle, Southern Bayberry, Morella cerifera
3G / 10"
Myrica cerifera, Southern Wax Myrtle, Southern Bayberry, Morella cerifera
10G / 17"
Nandina domestica 'Firepower', Heavenly Bamboo
1G / 6"
Nandina domestica 'Firepower', Heavenly Bamboo
3G / 10"
Nandina domestica 'Gulfstream', Heavenly Bamboo 'Gulftide'
1G / 6"
Nandina domestica 'Gulfstream', Heavenly Bamboo 'Gulftide'
3G / 10"
Nandina domestica 'Lemon Lime', Heavenly Bamboo
3G / 10",
Single Leader
Nepeta faassenii 'Kitten Around', Catmint, Faassen's catnip
1G / 6"
Nerium oleander 'Red', Oleander
3G / 10"
Ophiopogon japonicus, Mondo Grass, Lilyturf
1G / 6"
Penstemon digitalis 'Blackbeard', Foxglove beardtongue
1G / 6"
Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Little Spire', Russian Sage
1G / 6"
Phlox subulata 'Red Wings', Moss Phlox, Creeping phlox
1G / 6"
Pittosporum tobira, Japanese Cheesewood
3G / 10"
Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata', Japanese Cheesewood
3G / 10"
Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki', Japanese Yew
3G / 10"
Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki', Japanese Yew
7G / 14"
Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki', Japanese Yew
15G / 17"
Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Pringles', Japanese Yew
3G / 10"
Prunus cerasifera 'Thundercloud', Purple Leaf Cherry Plum
7G / 14"
Prunus domestica 'Excelsor', Plum
3G / 10"
Prunus domestica 'Methley', Plum
3G / 10"
Prunus domestica 'Methley', Plum
3G / 10"
Prunus dulcis 'Hall's Hardy', Almond
15G / 17"
Prunus persica 'Belle of Georgia Dwarf', Peach
3G / 10"
Prunus persica 'Corinthian Rose', Peach
3G / 10"
Prunus persica 'Crimson Cascade', Weeping Peach
3G / 10"
Prunus persica 'Maygold', Peach
3G / 10"
Prunus persica 'Red Haven', Peach
3G / 10"
Prunus persica 'Red Haven', Peach
3G / 10"
Prunus persica 'Suwanee', Peach
3G / 10"
Prunus salicina 'Dwarf Bruce', Japanese Plum (Edible)
3G / 10"
Prunus salicina 'Gold', Japanese Plum (Edible)
3G / 10"
Prunus salicina 'Shirley', Japanese Plum (Edible)
3G / 10"
Pyrus 'Kieffer', Pear
3G / 10"
Pyrus communis 'Bartlett Dwarf', European Pear, Common Pear
3G / 10"
Pyrus communis 'Bartlett', European Pear, Common Pear
3G / 10"
Pyrus communis 'Keiffer Dwarf', European Pear, Common Pear
3G / 10"
Pyrus communis 'Moonglow', European Pear, Common Pear
3G / 10"
Pyrus communis 'Moonglow', European Pear, Common Pear
10G / 17"
Pyrus communis 'Sugar', European Pear, Common Pear
3G / 10"
Pyrus pyrifolia 'Nijisseiki', Asian Pear '20th Century', Japanese Pear, Sand Pear, Chinese Pear
3G / 10"
Pyrus pyrifolia 'Shinko', Asian Pear, Japanese Pear, Sand Pear, Chinese Pear
3G / 10"
Quercus laurifolia, Laurel Oak, Swamp Oak, Quercus obtusa
25G / 21"
Quercus lyrata, Overcup Oak
25G / 21"
Quercus phellos, Willow Oak
25G / 21"
Quercus phellos, Willow Oak
65G / 32"
Quercus shumardii, Shumard Red Oak
25G / 21"
Quercus texana, Nuttall Oak, Quercus nuttallii
25G / 21"
Quercus virginiana, Live Oak, Southern Oak Tree
15G / 17"
Quercus virginiana, Live Oak, Southern Oak Tree
25G / 21"
Quercus virginiana, Live Oak, Southern Oak Tree
65G / 32"
Quercus x warei 'Nadler', Hybrid English Oak 'Kindred Spirit', Quercus robur x bicolor
25G / 21"
Rosa 'Meidrifora', Coral Drift® Rose
3G / 10"
Rosa 'Meigalpio', Red Drift® Rose
3G / 10"
Rosa 'Meimirrote', Apricot Drift® Rose
3G / 10"
Rosa 'Radral' , Coral Knock Out® Rose
3G / 10"
Rosa 'Radslam', Orange Glow Knock Out® Rose
3G / 10"
Rosa 'Radtkopink', Pink Double Knock Out® Rose
3G / 10"
Rosa 'SRPylwko', Easy Bee-zy Knock Out Rose
3G / 10"
Rubus 'APF-236T', Bushel and Berry® Baby Cakes® Blackberry
2G / 8",
SALE $12
Rubus 'Hull Thornless', Blackberry (Edible)
3G / 10"
Rubus 'Navaho', Blackberry (Edible)
3G / 10",
Rubus 'Prime-Ark', Blackberry (Edible)
3G / 10"
Rubus idaeus 'NR7', Bushel and Berry® Raspberry Shortcake® Raspberry
2G / 8",
SALE $12, Balled and Burlapped
Rudbeckia 'Glitter's Like Gold', Black-eyed Susan
1G / 6"
Rudbeckia fulgida sullivantii 'Little Goldstar', Black Eyed Susan, Sullivant's Coneflower
1G / 6"
Rudbeckia hirta 'Denver Daisy', Black-eyed Susan, Yellow oxeye daisy
1G / 6"
Sabal, palmetto
Field Grown,
Booted and Slicked, Balled and Burlapped, 8-10ft HT
Sabal minor, Dwarf Blue-stem Palmetto
7G / 14"
Salix babylonica, Weeping Willow
3G / 10"
Salix babylonica, Weeping Willow
25G / 21"
Salvia nemorosa 'May Night', Woodland Sage
1G / 6"
Spartina bakeri, Sand Cordgrass
3G / 10"
Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess', Japanese Spirea
3G / 10"
Taxodium distichum, Bald Cypress
3G / 10"
Taxodium distichum, Bald Cypress
15G / 17"
Taxodium distichum, Bald Cypress
25G / 21"
Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd', Arborvitae 'Emerald Green', False White Cedar
3G / 10"
Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd', Arborvitae 'Emerald Green', False White Cedar
5G / 12"
Thuja plicata 'Green Giant', Western Red Cedar, Giant Arborvitae
3G / 10"
Thuja plicata 'Green Giant', Western Red Cedar, Giant Arborvitae
15G / 17"
Trachycarpus fortunei, Windmill Palm, Chusan Palm
3G / 10"
Trachycarpus fortunei, Windmill Palm, Chusan Palm
7G / 14"
Trachycarpus wagnerianus, Waggie Windmill Palm, Miniature Chusan Palm
7G / 14"
Tradescantia x andersoniana 'Sweet Kate', Spiderwort
1G / 6"
Ulmus americana 'Princeton', American Elm
25G / 21"
Vaccinium 'Jelly Bean', Blueberry
2G / 8",
SALE $12, Balled and Burlapped
Vaccinium 'ZF06-079', Bushel and Berry® Pink Icing® Blueberry
2G / 8",
SALE $12, Balled and Burlapped
Vaccinium ashei 'Climax', Rabbiteye Blueberry
3G / 10"
Vaccinium ashei 'Powder Blue', Rabbiteye Blueberry
3G / 10"
Vaccinium ashei 'Premier', Rabbiteye Blueberry
3G / 10"
Vaccinium corymbosum 'FC12-187', Bushel and Berry® Midnight Cascade® Hanging Blueberry
2G / 8",
SALE $12, Balled and Burlapped
Vaccinium corymbosum 'ZF06-089', Bushel and Berry® Silver Dollar® Blueberry
2G / 8",
SALE $12, Balled and Burlapped
Vaccinium virgatum 'Tifblue', Rabbiteye Blueberry, Vaccinium ashei 'Tifblue'
3G / 10"
Vitex, chastetree
3G / 10"
Vitis rotundifolia 'Carlos', Muscadine Grape
3G / 10"
Vitis rotundifolia 'Cowart', Muscadine Grape
3G / 10"
Vitis rotundifolia 'Hunt', Muscadine Grape
3G / 10"
Vitis rotundifolia 'Scuppernong', Muscadine Grape
3G / 10"
Yucca filamentosa 'Bright Edge', Adam's Needle
3G / 10"
Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard', Adam's Needle
3G / 10"
Zelkova serrata, Japanese Zelkova
25G / 21"